
엘레트 전해질 (필수미네랄) 120ml


Elete Electrolytes 120ml

최고의 체력유지와 회복을 위한 전해질 대체 제품


제조사 BioTrace NZ Limited 제조국 New Zealand

2022년 6월 유전자변형 대상 해당없음


신체의 체력, 지구력 및 회복력은 전해질(Electrolyte) 기반의 체내 수분공급에 달려 있습니다. 고강도 운동과 지구력 활동을 하면 전해질 손실로 신체 피로, 탈수 및 체력저하 현상이 옵니다. 엘레트 전해질은 동급 제품중에서 유일하게 운동중 탄수화물 소비에 따른 부족 전해질을 완벽하게 보충해주는 제품입니다. 전해질의 주요 역할은 근육 기능 강화, 신경계 건강, 수분과 산도 균형, 심혈관 기능 강화, 근육 경련, 에너지 생성, 호흡 기능 강화 등 신체 많은 기능에 도움을 줍니다.


물 100ml당 7 방울 또는 1리터당 2.5ml 비율로 물에 타서 섭취


제품 뚜겅을 꽉 닫아 두십시오. 시원하고 건조한 곳 그리고 어린이의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하십시오.


Serve Size of 2.46mls = ½ a teaspoon.
Magnesium 45mg
Chloride 390mg
Sodium 125mg
Potassium 130mg
Sulphate 20mg

제품설명 원문

Performance, endurance and recovery depend on electrolyte powered hydration. Electrolyte loss during intense training and endurance activity is associated with fatigue, cramping dehydration, and impaired performance.  When purchasing elete you are buying just concentrated electrolytes, not paying for sugar, flavourings, or the shipping of water. This is higher quality at a fraction of the price. ELETE was launched in response to an unanswered need within the marketplace as many sports drinks and electrolyte-replacement formulas contain high amounts of sugar and low levels of electrolytes, which often lead to a host of unpleasant side effects such as bloating, stomach cramps, and nausea, that interfere when performance truly counts. Further, most electrolyte-replacement products contain one or two electrolytes sodium and/or potassium. ELETE is the only electrolyte in its class athletes can add to their hydration system or water bottle that allows them to replace all of the electrolytes they lose during activity while maintaining complete control over the amount of carbs they consume.
Some of the roles of the Major Electrolytes:
Potassium: Muscle function; nerve conduction; water and acid balance; supports cardiovascular function; helps prevent muscle cramps.
Magnesium: Nerve conduction; muscle function; energy production and flow; supports cardiovascular and respiratory function; helps prevent muscle cramps.
Sodium: Nerve conduction; muscle contraction; water and acid-base balance; thirst response.
Chloride: Water and acid-base balance; oxygen exchange; the most abundant anion outside the cell.

*HEALTH2000 뉴질랜드 본사 웹사이트에 명시된 내용입니다.

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추가 정보

무게 1 kg



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엘레트 전해질 (필수미네랄) 120ml

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