1. 복부팽창과 가스
복부팽창은 음식물 섭취후 복부가 불룩해지는 것을 말하는데 복부내에 가스가 차서 생기기도 하며, 종종 소화불량의 원인이 되기도 합니다. 장내 유익균의 불균형이 장내 가스를 과도하게 만들기도 하며, 장을 지나는 음식물이 제대로 분해되지 않았거나 너무 느리게 소화되게 되면 그 음식물이 발효되면서 더 많은 가스가 발생될 수 있습니다.
2. 음식 알러지와 과민증
유제품 또는 글루텐 등에 대한 음식 알러지와 과민증은 장벽이 뚫리는 장누수로 이어질 수 있으며, 결과적으로 면역력에 문제가 생길 수 있습니다.
3. 설탕에 대한 욕구
연구논문에 따르면 장내세균은 배고픔을 조절하는 호르몬과 유사한 단백질을 만들 수 있다고 합니다. 이것은 장내 유해균이 장내에 흡수된 설탕을 먹고 또다시 이러한 유사 단백질을 만들어 장건강에 나쁜 설탕을 더 갈구하게 만드는 악순환이 될 수 있습니다.
4. 불안정한 기분과 걱정/근심
장은 “제2의 뇌”로 행복호르몬인 세로토닌의 대부분과 도파민의 절반을 생성하는데 관여하고 있습니다. 이러한 신경전달물질은 신경계의 여러가지 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있으며, 따라서 장에 이상이 생기면 기분이 침체되거나 정신적인 문제로 이어질 수 있습니다.
5. 피부
피부는 우리 몸안의 전반적인 상태를 알려주는데, 장내 독소와 장벽을 통한 음식물 분자가 누수되는 장내 세균의 불균형이 발생되는 경우 피부가 직접적인 영향을 받습니다. 또한 피부는 이렇게 우리 몸이 원하지 않는 나쁜 물질을 밖으로 배출시키는 주 신체기관중 하나이며, 피부는 그 상태와 결과를 말해줍니다.
Five signs of an unhealthy gut
Your digestive system was once considered a relatively simple system, consisting of a long tube which food passes through and where nutrients are absorbed and waste excreted.
Nowadays, studies have determined that this system is incredibly complex, at times being referred to as the ‘second brain’. There are numerous studies into the nature of gut microflora and how the beneficial bacteria making up your gut microbiome communicates with many other body systems such as your immune, endocrine, skin and nervous systems.
With the countless interactions your gut has with the rest of your body, it’s vitally important that the health of your digestive system is balanced to maintain optimal digestion, absorption and manufacturing of nutrients.
1. Bloating and gas
Bloating is when your belly swells after eating a meal and can be caused by an increased production of gas, often causing digestive discomfort. An imbalance of beneficial bacteria in your gut may lead to the overproduction of gas. Additionally, if foods travelling through your digestive system are not broken down properly or move through slowly, fermentation can be caused and may lead to an increased production of gas.
2. Food allergies or intolerances
Intolerance to foods (like dairy and gluten) can lead to a leaky gut which can breakdown the integrity of your intestinal wall, allowing larger molecules that are not recognised to enter your body and thus causing an immune response.
3. Sugar cravings
Research into gut bacteria has suggested that they can release proteins similar to hormones that regulate hunger and can affect both food cravings and mood. This process can become a vicious cycle whereby the unhelpful bacteria feed off the sugar you ingest and in turn release these proteins making you crave more sugar – and around you go.
4. Mood imbalance and worry
As your “second brain”, your gut is responsible for producing the majority of your serotonin – the happy hormone – and about half your dopamine. These neurotransmitters are responsible for many roles within the nervous system and if your gut is compromised then this can lead to mood and emotional issues.
5. Skin issues
The overall appearance of your skin is a reflection of what is going on inside your body. The health of your skin can be affected by an imbalance of the gut microbiota where toxins and small food particles escape through the lining of the intestinal wall into your body. Your skin is one of the main organs of elimination and will try to remove these unwanted substances and by doing so may lead to skin conditions.
Support your gut with Lighthouse Probiotic 75 Billion. It contains 12 premium probiotic strains to restore and maintain good gut bacteria. It also quickly and safely restores beneficial bacteria to support digestive immune and bowel health, along with healthy energy levels. The blend is shelf stable, dairy free, and scientifically proven to provide support after a course of antibiotics.